Congrats on your decision to join us at the next Strategic Alliance Live Oct 23-25, on Zoom.
This will be our tenth anniversary, and we're super excited to help you do even more Joint Ventures & Strategic Alliances.
There has never been a better time than NOW to acquire a surge of new buyers for FREE using Leveraged Acquisition!
Your investment for the entire three day virtual event, as VIP, is just $97, and includes all thirteen bonuses worth $9,352!!
Your next step is to complete the form below and lock in your bonuses.
Super excited to serve and support you, and help you find your next twenty-five Joint Venture partners or more so that you can have more impact, influence and income. See you Wed. Oct 23rd, 8:00am to 5:00pm Pacific Standard Time (that's 11:00am to 8:-- pm EST).
Tom Matzen & Simon Hedley,
Strategic Alliance Live